
July 01, 2023

U.S. DOL Issues Updated FMLA Forms

If you use the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) FMLA “Notice Forms” you might have observed an expiration date of June 30, 2023, in the upper right corner.

The DOL has published updated notice forms with a new expiration date of June 30, 2026, in the upper right corner. The revised date, however, remains the same and still reads June 2020 in the lower right corner.  Covered employers are not required to use the DOL’s forms. If you use the DOL’s forms, you may continue to use the prior edition. Having said that:

  1. Why reinvent the wheel? The DOL has done the work for you.
  2. Reduce your risk. While you may use your own forms, you do need to ensure you ask no questions or elicit information broader than what is included on the DOL’s form or risk violating the Family and Medical Leave Act.

What else is new? Check out the webcast, “FMLA Update” on Wednesday, August 23rd, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. ET. $25 pp