August 31, 2019
Form I-9 Expires: Now What?
On August 31, 2019 the current Form I-9 expired. The current form has a revision date of of 07/17/17 in the lower left corner; the expiration date is in the upper right. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Department advises, “We will publish a new edition of this form soon. In the meantime, you may file using the 07/17/17 edition.”
Tip: Do you know what the little “Y” or “N” after the publication date means? An “N” next to the revision date means that Form I-9 with earlier revision dates can no longer be used to verify employment eligibility. A “Y” next to the revision date means the form is valid until USCIS issues a new form with a revision date containing an “N.” Bookmark the website above. Then, when the new form is published, look for the “Y” or “N” to see if you can continue using the current form. Easier than that? Always download a “clean” Form I-9 from the U.S. CIS website and you won’t have to worry if the blank Forms you have stockpiled are current or not.