
December 28, 2021

CMS Extends and Relaxes Vax Mandate Deadlines

Today, CMS published a Guidance to its State Survey Agency Directors announcing a new enforcement schedule of its vaccination rule in the 25 states where it is still in effect.

Covered employers in those states now have until January 27, 2022, to ensure “100% of staff have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, or have a pending request for, or have been granted qualifying exemption, or identified as having a temporary delay as recommended by the CDC…” This is in addition to ensuring you have related policies and procedures in place as well.

You then have until March 28th, 2022, to ensure, “100% of staff have received the necessary doses to complete the vaccine series (i.e., one dose of a single-dose vaccine or all doses of a multiple-dose vaccine series)…” or meet one of the exceptions listed above.

For a list of the 25 states where the rule is not in effect, click on the link for the Guidance above and see the listing in the grey box on page 1.