
September 01, 2020

CDC Issues Workplace Violence Prevention Tips

Really?  As if COVID-19 is not problematic enough, it brings increased threats of workplace violence.  Not the disease itself, of course. But from uncivil, unkind, disrespectful customers who berate the employees who tell the customers to wear a face covering or follow some other, related protocol.  Gee whiz!

On September 1st the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published new guidance entitled, “Limiting Workplace Violence Associated with COVID-19 Prevention Policies in Retail and Services Businesses.” Some tips for employers to help include:

  • Post signs at entrances to let customer know in advance of the expectation (to wear their face covering, follow directional arrows, social distance, etc.)
  • Post notices on your website advising of the same
  • Provide employee training on threat recognition, conflict resolution, nonviolent response, and on any other relevant topics related to workplace violence response
    and more.

Click on the link above to read more. Stay vigilant. Stay safe. Be well.