
August 25, 2021

HR & the Law for Managers Webcast Series: Module 8 – Coaching, Counseling & Correcting

Writer and psychologist Theodore Rubin said, “The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem”  Thus is the role of every supervisor, manager, director and executive team member. You’re going to have problems, and that’s OK.  Directing the work of others is no easy task. Those who are new to supervisory, management, and leadership roles need support just as much as those they are directing.

This program is designed for front-line supervisors and managers and reviews proactive steps you can implement in a practical and on a day-to-day basis for coaching, counseling and correcting employee performance and conduct. Topics will include:

  •  Setting expectations
  • Adult learning theory
  • Giving instructions and directing behavior
  • How, where, and when (not) to coach/counsel/correct
  • Making the Most of Performance Appraisals
  • When all else fails, pre-termination checklist

This event and the recording are now closed.