
September 22, 2022

DEIBA at Work: Good Intentions and Unintended Consequences (FREE webinar)

Join this FREE, interactive event sponsored by Ignite! of Jewish Community Services of Baltimore, Inc. as we review proactive practices and pitfalls to avoid in workplace Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility (DEIBA) initiatives and related programs. This interactive (and perhaps challenging) program will consider the following questions:

• Does Title VII’s protection against religious discrimination of applicants include the absence of a religious belief or faith?
• Aside from required affirmative action, can an employer target certain populations to enhance the diversity of its workforce?
• What protection, if any, do white men have from race discrimination?
• What do research and statistics show about age discrimination against millennials as compared to older workers?
• What are the pros and cons of workplace affinity groups/ERG’s?

Click here to register.  Pre-approved by HRCI and SHRM for 1.0 credit.  Noon – 1:00 p.m.