October 27, 2021
ADA Updates: The Latest News You Can Use
Earlier this year, the U.S. EEOC’s published statistics revealed disability-related charges were the second most-frequently cited basis of all charged filed. That’s right, higher than sex or race! Conversely, the percentage of no reasonable cause (aka good news) determinations for employers has decreased the last two years.
Join this interactive program as we review cases and trends over the last 12 months, including proactive tips for enhancing employment policies, practices, and programs. Topics will include and are not limited to:
- Initiating the interactive process (who and when)
- Association and perception provisions
- Known v. unknown disabilities
- Requesting medical documentation (when, who, & what)
- Assessing (un)reasonable accommodation
- Medical inquiries and exams pre/post-offer v. in employment
This event and the recording are now closed.